The Roger Thomas story begins in Las Vegas, but continues around the world, where Roger finds inspiration in the decorative arts of many cultures. Captured in his sketchbooks, ideas turn into designs that captivate and seduce.

The Birth of Evoca-tecture

Designs for a succession of extraordinary hotels in Las Vegas and China have transformed an industry. Roger has created a genre almost entirely its own, luxurious, memorable, opulent and seductive.

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Serenity at a Personal Scale

The designer’s deep knowledge of art and craft and mastery of technique inform residential designs that reveal different aspects of his talents. At a smaller scale, the focus shifts to a more personal kind of luxury, even serenity.

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An Eye for the Genius of History

Roger brings a spirit of exploration and inquiry wherever he travels. The most intricate details, captured in his sketchbooks, inspire modern, functional furnishings that pay homage to traditions of craftsmanship.

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A Distinguished Career

Roger has been widely recognized by editors, industry groups and his peers. Awards and accolades include listing in the Architectural Digest 100 five times in recent years.

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